Sunday, August 1, 2010

7 Steps Week 5

1. Purchase plastic sleeves for your binder.

2. Place a flashlight, batteries and glow sticks in your 72 hour kits. If you do not have backpacks for your kits purchase at least one this week.

3. As we did for electricity, make a list of everything you do that uses water. Create a chart of what you will need to replace. Refer to the water article in your binder for ideas.

4. Purchase the items you need to replace your washer and dryer if the electricity goes out. Liquid detergent, a rope and clothes pins should do it.

5.Create a phone tree(s) for friends, neighbors or family. Assign everyone two or three people to call in case of an emergency. You will probably want a separate tree for family unless you all live in the same area. Be sure your out of the area contact person has phone numbers for every member of your family and extended family. Place a copy of your phone tree in the envelope to be mailed to your contact out of area contact, remember that envelope from week 3?

6. Purchase ingredients for 3 desserts. These can be brownie mixes, puddings, or the ingredients for cookies from scratch. Whatever your family decided on when you made your list of favorites.

7. Make 3 copies of all your family’s birth certificates and drivers licenses. Place one copy in each adult 72 hour kit and one copy in the envelope to be mailed to your contact.