. Purchase one roll of toilet paper per person in your family. That should give you a one week supply!
2. Purchase ten cans of sauces or soups. Anything you use as a sauce or to make a sauce is the goal here. Cream of chicken soup, spaghetti sauce, enchilada sauce, steak sauce, Worcestershire, or any combination.
3. Check your stored water. Water is such an important element in your preparedness plan. Everyone needs to be concerned about drinking water.
4. With your family create an evacuation list. Brainstorm which items; important papers, photos, heirlooms, and even favorite blankies you would want to take if you needed to evacuate.
5. Begin gathering as many of those items as possible into the same location making them easy to grab during an emergency.
6. Make a copy of the evacuation article at TotallyReady.com Read the article and highlight important information. Place article in your binder.
7. Add a toothbrush and toothpaste to all 72 hour kits.