Sunday, August 1, 2010

7 Steps Week 19

1. Add hand towels to all 72 hour kits. Hand towels take up much less room than a full size towel but are still adequate to dry off if you are fortunate enough to have water to bathe. They are also useful as compresses and even a diaper.

2. Add collars to your pet’s 72 hour kit(s).

3. Purchase a container of baking soda, baking powder, and cornstarch for your food storage.

4. Purchase the ingredients for 5 desserts.

5. Strap your water heater to the wall.

6. Add sewing kits to your 72 hour kits. You can add the small ones you receive during a hotel
stay or just a spool of white and a spool of black thread and a few sewing needles.

7. Do a little more rearranging and make more room for your food storage or 72 hour kits.